How to Install Joomla Using Softaculous?

1. Enter your Control Panel

2. Domain

3. Web Options

3.1. Softaculous application settings

4. Portals / CMS

We selected Joomla, install

Installation Form

Select the version you want to install: (3.1.5, 2.5.14, 1.5.26)

Select Protocol: (http: //)

Domain: (Default)

Directory: (Leave blank)

Database: (create a new one, by default or a name no larger than 7 characters)

Site Settings

Name of the Site: (The name you wish to display in the browsers of your web page)

Site Description: (Brief description of its website)

Database Configuration

Prefix table: (change the default prefix by the prefix that appears in the Conexcol control panel)

Import sample data: (optional)

Administrator Account

Administrator User: (leave it by default or change to your liking)

Administrator Password: (leave it by default or change to your liking)

Real Name: (Optional)

Email Manager: (change the email for a personal one)


If you get an installation error just look for the next option and select it and install it again:

overwrite the files, replace, or (depending on the version)

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