How do I unlock my domain by ICANN?

In order to unlock ICANN, the client must enter their website, complete the security captcha and send it to them.

The email with which I bought the domain will receive an email from the email address:

With the subject: IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required, extra notice

The subject will be something like this:

Since January 1, 2014, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - the organization responsible for the assignment of domain names worldwide, requires domain registration companies to confirm the data of the WHOIS for new registrations, as well as any change in contact information for domain owners.

The contact information of the owner of one or more of one of your domains has not been verified:

First Name Last Name

Address 1CRA ** # ** - **

Address 2

City ********

Province ***********

Postal Code ******

Country CO

Email address (address where the email arrives)

Please follow the link below to verify the registrant's email address. You have a period of 15 days from the moment of contact change to verify the email address. After these 15 days, the domain or domains associated with this contact will be suspended until the email address is verified.

By verifying your email address, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Registration Agreement.

Click here to verify your email address

If the above link does not work, please copy and paste the following address in your browser to complete the verification process:***-A9**-47**-8F**-33E198B6****

After clicking on the link, the e-mail address will be automatically activated and no further action will be necessary for the following domains:


Conexcol Cloud Colombia S.A.S.

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