How can I transfer my domain from Conexcol to another provider?

You must enter your customer panel In services, domains, we select our domain.

In the line that says Transfer Locking, we click on "Domain Lock" and pass the Transfer Locking option from active to inactive.

Then select Request EPP code. We will send it to the mail with which you registered the service. The content of the email is similar to:

Hello "CUSTOMER", Please find the requested EPP/transfer authorization key listed below. 
Note: The transfer authorization (or EPP) key is a security key generated by the current registrar and verified through the global registries for validity. 
These keys are updated periodically for security reasons, thus this key will be valid for an indeterminate period of time. 
EPP key: *************** 
As this is an automated response to provide an EPP code, please do not reply to this email.

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