Domain Name Registrant Contact Information and ICANN WHOIS Data Reminder Policy (WDRP)

1. Why do I need to keep the contact information associated with my domain name registration updated?

It is very important that you keep your contact information up to date at all times so that you can receive important notifications about your domain name from your registrar. These notifications are typically sent via email and if your email is not up to date, you may not receive important notifications intended for your protection. For example, your registrar will notify you about changes to your account and domain name registrations so that you can confirm the changes. If your email information is not up to date, unauthorized changes could be made to your account without your knowledge. For more information about why it is important that you keep your contact information up to date, see ICANN's blog on why it is important that you keep your contact information up to date.

2. What is WDRP?

The WHOIS Data Reminder Policy (or WDRP) is an ICANN policy designed to protect domain name registrants. The policy requires your registrar to formally remind you once a year to review and update your contact information. The reminder, which is also known as a WDRP Notice, is typically sent via email and asks you to review the WHOIS information, including contact information, associated with your domain names, and to make corrections or updates if any. be necessary.

3. I received a notification from WDRP, but my information is correct. Do I need to take any action to ensure my domain registration is not affected?

No. When sending WDRP notifications, registrars should remind you that providing false WHOIS information may result in cancellation of a domain name registration. If your information is correct, your domain name will not be canceled or deleted and you do not need to take any action. If you have questions about what action you may need to take, it is always advisable to contact your registrar to find out.

4. I use a proxy or privacy service, do I still need to update my contact information?

Yes. Even if you use a proxy or privacy service, it is important to ensure that your contact information is up to date so that you are sure to receive all notifications and requests from your registrar.

5. I registered a domain name two weeks ago, but now it's not working, what happened?

There are several reasons why a newly registered domain name does not resolve to its intended address. One of the most common reasons is that the registrant did not confirm the accuracy of their contact information with the registrar. When you register a domain name, you must provide accurate and reliable contact information to your registrar. After registration, your registrar will contact you (usually by email) to verify that the information is correct by requesting your affirmative response. Failure to respond to the registrar's request within 15 days will likely result in suspension or even cancellation of the domain name registration.

In addition, you are required to correct and update your information promptly if changes occur during the registration period. If you intentionally provide incorrect data, or do not update your information immediately in the event of a change, your domain name registration may be suspended or canceled as well. This could also happen if you do not respond to inquiries from your registrar if they contact you about the accuracy of your contact information during the registration period.

More information: Registrant Blog Series: Do you have a domain name? Here's what you need to know.Part I:Why you need to keep your contact information up to date

Please contact your registrar to update your contact information. ICANN org does not (and cannot) verify or update your contact information. Only your registrar or reseller can assist you with updates to your contact information.

6. What does it mean that my contact information is public and searchable in the WHOIS database?

Some of your contact information associated with your domain name registration may be made publicly available in the Domain Name Registration Data Directory Service (also known as the WHOIS or Access Protocol database). to Domain Name Registration Data (RDAP)). Similar to a traditional phone book or directory, registration contact information is published for the purpose of allowing others to contact you about your domain name or website information, as well as for public safety purposes. . When you register a domain name, you may have the option to mask some of your contact information using a privacy/proxy service. Contact your registrar to learn more about your options for masking your public contact information. You can use to view the contact information for your domain name that is publicly available. Recently, new global data privacy regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation, have limited the amount of public information that your registrar needs to make available, in order to help protect the privacy of the registrants.

7. I received a notification from WDRP and need to update my contact information. How do I update?

In order to update your contact information, you will need to contact your registrar. For more information, see How do I correct my WHOIS information.

8. I received a notification from WDRP. How do I know it is a legitimate notification and not spam?

The purpose of the WDRP notice is to remind you of your obligation to update the contact information on file for your domain names. This is for your benefit and protection. While you should always be alert for phishing messages and other fraudulent emails, a legitimate WDRP notification email serves an important purpose. Please contact your registrar if you are unsure about email notifications about your domain name registrations.

9. Does receiving a WDRP notification mean that someone complained about my website or domain name?

No. WDRP notifications are sent annually to all gTLD domain name registrants (such as .com, .org, .info, etc.). If you received one of these notifications, it does not mean that someone complained about your website or your domain name.

10. Why am I receiving WDRP notifications from ICANN when ICANN is not my registrar?

ICANN's WHOIS Data Reminder Policy (WDRP) requires registrars to send WDRP notifications to domain name registrants once a year. ICANN does not send WDRP notifications. Some registrars or resellers may send WDRP notifications from an "icann@" email address, but this does not mean they come from ICANN. You should review all WDRP notices carefully and update your contact information if necessary.

11. My developer set up my account and he is not answering my calls, how can I change the registrant?

To update your registrant information or to transfer your domain name to another registrant, please contact the registrar that registered the domain name. For domain name information, including the name of the registrar, search the public Domain Name Registration Data Directory Service at The name of the registrar will be included in the result. The list of registrars and links to their websites is available in the list of ICANN-accredited registrars.

12. I can't "access" my domain name or domain name management account because the domain name was registered by a third party, such as my web developer/administrative contact, what do I do now?

You may not be able to access the domain name if you are not the administrative/registrant contact listed in the domain name records. You must contact the person or entity that registered the domain name to obtain access to the credentials/details or update the administrative/registrar contact listed in the domain name records.

You should contact your registrar immediately if you cannot reach your administrator/administrative contact, they have stopped working, etc. to update your information. Once you are able to become the administrative contact/registrant on record, this will ensure that you have full control to manage your domain name and will allow you to find someone else to help you manage your domain name if you wish. . It's a good idea to keep a record of your domain name administration credentials at all times, even if you choose to outsource some administrative/management tasks.

13. I need to contact another registrant, but their contact information is not available in the public WHOIS. How can I contact him?

Registrars are permitted and sometimes required to mask registrant contact information that is otherwise publicly available in the Domain Name Registration Data Directory Service (such as WHOIS or Domain Access Protocol). Domain Name Registration Data (or RDAP) The registrar of the domain name related to the registrant you are trying to contact must provide you with a web form or other communication method so that you can contact a registrant if your information contact information is not publicly available. Use to search for the domain name registrar related to the registrar you wish to contact.

14. Who should I contact with any questions I may have?

Most questions about registering your domain name can be answered by your registrar. To locate your registrar, visit to perform a WHOIS lookup for your domain name. The search results will display the name and web address of your registrar.

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