To be able to see a website, an application or a subdomain that does not yet point to Conexcol, the client can do it locally by modifying the host file, this file will be found in the following routes: p>
Operating System Route p>
Windows 95/98 / Me ---> C: \ Windows \ hosts p>
Windows NT / 2000 ---> C: \ WINNT \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts p>
Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 7/8/10 ---> C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts p>
Mac OS / iPhone OS ---> / private / etc / hosts p>
Linux ---> /etc/hosts p>
To be able to do the process, you must open the file with Notepad or any plain text editor, if you do not let you copy the file on the desktop and open it there, at the end of the file place for example: p>
190.90.160. ** p>
190.90.160. ** p>
190.90.160. ** p>
The last digits may vary depending on the server, when hiring the Conexcol service at the moment of activating it, you will receive an email with the corresponding ip to your server. p>